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SHAPE-ID webinar on interdisciplinarity and the Neurohumanities

SHAPE-ID’s third webinar asked what the experiences of researchers working in the emerging area of the Neurohumanities can teach us about the challenges and potential of interdisciplinary research between the Arts and Humanities and STEM disciplines. Why engage in such research and how are researchers navigating the significant distances between their respective disciplines? Representing perspectives from different disciplines and at different career stages, panellists Professor Thomas J Carew (New York University), Professor Sonja Smets (Institute for Logic, Linguistics and Computation, University of Amsterdam) and Amelia McConville (Trinity College Dublin), discussed challenges and best practices from their own experience of engaging…

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SHAPE-ID and University of Deusto host workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good

The SHAPE-ID learning case workshop series was brought to a very satisfying conclusion on 19 October with a stakeholder-focused workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good, co-organised by SHAPE-ID partner ISINNOVA and the University of Deusto in Bilbao. Covid-19 made it impossible for us to meet in Bilbao as originally planned, but the online workshop was nevertheless highly engaged and enjoyable – an example of how stimulating discussion and collaboration can continue in a virtual setting. Informed by the ‘6i’ model of research and innovation, envisaged and led by Toni Caro, to combine interdisciplinarity, intersectoral engagement and an international outlook,…

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SHAPE-ID Workshop on Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage in ‘Virtual Warsaw’

The second of the SHAPE-ID remote learning case workshops (and second to last in our overall workshop series) took place on 24-25 September, organised by SHAPE-ID partners at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN). The workshop brought together Digital Humanities researchers, policy makers, funders and cultural heritage professionals to explore the challenge of transdisciplinary collaboration between these two areas. The workshop began with a series of thoughtful scene-setting presentations from invited speakers. Natalie Harrower from the Digital Repository of Ireland presented insights from the recent ALLEA report Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in…

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SHAPE-ID Collaborating on River Time Initiative

SHAPE-ID is pleased to collaborate on this exciting art-science initiative from swissnex, led by artist, writer and philosopher Jonathan Keats. River Time is a multifaceted civic initiative intended to bolster public appreciation of river systems – and people’s understanding of their significance as climate indicators – by enlisting rivers as timekeepers. Register for the event on 16 November here  River Time is also a case study in art-and-science collaboration, which will serve as the basis for research on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research by the Transdisciplinarity Lab at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Drawing on insights from SHAPE-ID, with the involvement of SHAPE-ID…

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First SHAPE-ID Remote Learning Case Workshop Takes Place

We were delighted to continue our SHAPE-ID learning case workshop series after a long delay with our first virtual workshop held on 10-11 September. This was originally due to take place in person in Zurich in May but was postponed due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. Partners in ETH Zurich have been working tirelessly over the summer to redesign the workshop for the new format and the workshop was a very successful re-start. Co-organised with td-net, the Network for Transdisciplnary Research of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the workshop brought together participants from across the world to explore how…

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SHAPE-ID Learning Case Workshops Intermediate Working Paper Available

We are pleased to share the preliminary results of the first three SHAPE-ID learning case workshops in a new working paper, available for download here. The working paper presents insights from the following workshops: Positioning the Arts and Humanities to Lead Research Addressing Societal Challenges (organised by Trinity College Dublin, 2-3 December 2019) Bringing an Environmental Humanities Lens to Bear on Interdiscipilnary Collaboration among AHSS and between AHSS and STEM  (organised by the University of Edinburgh, 20-21 January 2020) Inter/Transdisciplinary Educational Models that Support Sustainable Urban Transformation (organised by ISINNOVA in collaboration with the TrUST project at Politecnico di Torino,…

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SHAPE-ID Learning Case Workshops Rescheduled for September 2020

We were disappointed to have to postpone three of our learning case workshops in March, April and May due to the coronavirus crisis. We are pleased to announce that we have now rescheduled these workshops, which will take place virtually in September to avoid further delays and explore the potential of online collaborative methodologies for inter- and transdisciplinary research. The workshop topics are: Intersections or reconfigurations? Arts and Humanities integration in inter- and trans-disciplinary research (organised by ETH Zurich in collaboration with td-net) Artificial Intelligence (AI) challenges and scenarios of collaborative learning, working and living with machines (co-robotics) (organised by…

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Second SHAPE-ID Webinar | Pathways to Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Bridging the Research-Policy Gap

SHAPE-ID’s second webinar on 25th June 2020 addressed the challenges of involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) more substantively in funding programme design and evaluation to increase AHSS participation in inter- and transdisciplinary research. Panellists Dr Jennifer Edmond (Trinity College Dublin and DARIAH), Dr Jack Spaapen (SHAPE-ID and the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences) and Mary Doyle (Trinity Long room Hub Public Policy Fellow and former Irish Government policy maker), discussed the gap between research and policy and how policy makers, researchers and Universities can make progress on this matter. The recently published SHAPE-ID Policy Brief…

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