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SHAPE-ID is coordinated by Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and the consortium comprises five partners: ISINNOVA (Italy), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), the University of Edinburgh (UK), the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) and Dr Jack Spaapen (the Netherlands). Click on the partner names below to read about each partner, SHAPE-ID team members and the partner’s role in SHAPE-ID. Click on the logos to visit the partner websites.

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin

Trinity College, Dublin (Trinity) was established in 1592 and is Ireland’s oldest university. Operating within Trinity, the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute (TLRH) is dedicated to promoting multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research across the arts and humanities as well as with the social, physical, biological, medical and computer sciences. The TLRH is also a vocal advocate for public humanities and a force for driving transformative change in the communication of arts and humanities research by articulating its value to wider and more varied audiences. In recent years the TLRH has been involved in several European framework funded projects, a number of which are in the digital humanities space (CENDARI, K-PLEX and PARTHENOS). It is also currently hosting the Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded Visiting Research Fellow programme.

Trinity’s involvement in SHAPE-ID is led by Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History,  Director of the TLRH and chair of the Irish Research Council. Professor Ohlmeyer has published widely on early modern Irish and British history and has considerable expertise in overseeing major editorial projects. Notably, she was PI for the digitisation and online publication of the 1641 Depositions, a cutting-edge showcase of interdisciplinary collaboration between historians, linguists, literary scholars, geographers, computer scientists, mathematicians and librarians.

Trinity coordinates SHAPE-ID and leads Work Packages 1, 4 and 6. Professor Ohlmeyer works closely with SHAPE-ID Project Manager Dr Doireann Wallace.

ISINNOVA - the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems

ISINNOVA – the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems – is an Italian private research and consulting firm supporting international, national and local public bodies for the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of transport and mobility, energy, environment, urban planning, and societal knowledge. Founded in 1971, ISINNOVA has played an important role in the conception and implementation of some of the most significant projects carried out in Europe, participating, both as leader and partner, in over 80 European projects. ISINNOVA has worked extensively in the field of policy impact assessment, with particular reference to socio-economic impacts and through the development and application of forward looking analysis (FLA) methods and tools. ISINNOVA uses sophisticated theoretical and technical tools to analyse systemic problems and situations. ISINNOVA avails itself of the most advanced information technologies and develops its own interactive and user-friendly software applications for the construction of mathematical forecasting models and the definition of future scenarios through mega-trends and wild cards analysis, horizon scanning, Delphi survey management, scenario building workshops and other participatory foresight methods.

The ISINNOVA SHAPE-ID team is led by Mr Carlo Sessa, who has co-ordinated several EU research projects, in the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, mostly in the fields of transport, environment and urban governance issues, and Mr Andrea Ricci who is Vice-President of ISINNOVA and Chair of the Transport Advisory Group of H2020, working with researcher Ms Giorgia Galvini.

ISINNOVA leads Work Package 3 which involves designing and organising a series of Learning Case Workshops in venues across Europe.

ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich (ETH) was founded in 1855 on a bedrock of true Swiss values, including freedom, individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness. At ETH, students discover an ideal environment for independent thinking, while researchers benefit from a climate which inspires top performance. Situated in the heart of Europe, yet forging connections all over the world, ETH is pioneering effective solutions to the global challenges of today and tomorrow. Some 500 professors teach around 20,000 students – including 4,000 doctoral students – from over 120 countries. Their collective research embraces many disciplines: natural sciences and engineering sciences, architecture, mathematics, system-oriented natural sciences, as well as management and social sciences. ETH also has an excellent reputation in scientific circles: 21 Nobel laureates have studied, taught or researched here, and in international league tables ETH regularly ranks as one of the world’s top universities.

 The Transdisciplinarity Lab of the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich (TdLab) was founded in 2013. TdLab supports and develops research projects by providing conceptual input, tools and critical reflection on how to run inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. The group integrates knowledge and values from different scientific perspectives, as well as from other societal actors and has expertise in problem framing and knowledge integration.

The ETH SHAPE-ID team is led by Dr Christian Pohl, Co-Director of the Transdisciplinarity Lab of the Department of Environmental Systems Science, working with Dr Bianca Vienni Baptista, a researcher and lecturer with expertise in the study of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge production processes. ETH leads Work Package 2 which will undertake a literature review and survey.

The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is one of the largest and most successful universities in the UK with an international reputation as a centre of academic excellence. Its international character is reflected in its student population, which comprises nearly 5,000 European students and over 12,000 International students (out of a total population of nearly 40,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students) from over 120 different countries worldwide. It can also be found in its truly international staff and in its joint research and other links with overseas universities, institutes, companies and governments. Its position as one of Britain’s leading research universities was reaffirmed by the results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). On a European level, traditionally Edinburgh has been very successful in participating in European Framework Programmes. During the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes the university was involved in over 600 projects, total award value of approximately €320m, and 211 projects in H2020 with a value of over €160m. Fifty-two of the projects awarded in FP7 are ERC grants with a total value of €88.5m, and 56 in H2020, with a total value of over €92m.

The Edinburgh SHAPE-ID team is led by Catherine Lyall, Professor of Science and Public Policy, working with Dr Isabel Fletcher. Edinburgh contributes to Work Packages 2-4 and leads Work Package 5 which will develop the final toolkit and recommendations.

The Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

The Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) was founded in 1948 and is a renowned research centre focusing on literary and cultural studies in a comparative context and literary theory. IBL PAN is a leading national centre for documentation, bibliography and scholarly editions of Polish literature, as well as an early adopter of digital methods in the humanities. IBL was ranked in the ‘Excellent’ category (A+) in the two most recent national evaluations of research institutions (2013, 2017). In 2016 the EC awarded IBL with a ‘HR Excellence in research’ certificate. IBL currently employs approximately 100 researchers and is a doctoral-level teaching centre.

The Digital Humanities Centre at IBL is responsible for participation in SHAPE-ID. The centre was founded in 2013 with the express purpose of leading and coordinating the implementation of digital humanities within the scope of IBL PAN’s research. IBL PAN is involved in major digital humanities networks and consortia, including DARIAH, NeDIMAH and OPERAS, and has contributed to several surveys dedicated to digital practices and ongoing projects in the humanities. IBL was a Polish coordinator for the DARIAH survey on scholarly needs and practices, coordinated by DARIAH Digital Methods Observatory Working Group and, together with the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, IBL PAN conducted a survey on Polish digital projects within the humanities (report in Polish). IBL also participated in disseminating the survey leading to the creation of the NeDiMAH methodology directory.

The IBL SHAPE-ID team is led by Dr Maciej Maryl, Assistant Professor and Director of the Digital Humanities Centre, working with Dr Piotr Wciślik, Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Digital Humanities Centre, researchers Dr Anna Buchner and Maria Wierzbicka, and Dr Nina Hoffman as a consultant.

Jack Spaapen

Dr Jack Spaapen

Dr Jack Spaapen (PhD, University of Amsterdam) received his training in sociology and cultural anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Jack’s PhD (1995) is in science and technology studies, focusing on methods for the evaluation of research in the context of societal and policy demands. Jack is senior policy advisor at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences with expertise in areas including societal impact evaluation, research and innovation policy, responsible research and innovation and scientific advice. Currently he is interim executive secretary of the Medical Advisory Council of the Academy. Jack has coordinated many Academy projects, as well as several EU projects, including, the FP7 SIAMPI project on productive interactions between science and society (2009-2012) and Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation (2014). Jack co-chaired a project for the OECD on the role of scientific advice in controversial issues in society (2013-2015). Jack has represented the Academy in several national and European networks on Research and Development evaluation. Jack co-designed the national evaluation protocol for publicly funded research (Standard Evaluation Protocol) and the QRiH assessment framework for societal relevance of humanities research in the Netherlands. Jack has proficiency in Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish.

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