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Missions for Urban Sustainability Education: Insights from the 3rd SHAPE-ID Workshop

The third SHAPE-ID learning case workshop took place in Turin on 17-18 February and was a collaboration with the TrUST project (Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability Transition) at Politecnico di Torino. Here we present some early insights from the workshop, which explored inter- and transdisciplinary educational approaches that support sustainable urban transition..
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Environmental Humanities perspectives on integrating the Arts and Humanities into inter- and transdisciplinary research: Insights from the second SHAPE-ID workshop

The second SHAPE-ID Learning Case Workshop gathered experienced researchers from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) together with funders, policy makers and representatives from other international bodies. By bringing an environmental humanities lens to bear on interdisciplinary collaborations, we hoped to learn more about potential enablers to facilitate AHSS integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research.
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How can the Arts and Humanities position themselves as leaders in societal challenges research? Insights from the first SHAPE-ID workshop

Between December 2019 and May 2020, we are organising six learning case workshops in cities around Europe to learn directly from stakeholders’ experience in doing inter- and transdisciplinary research on a wide range of challenges. Our first workshop was designed to explore how the Arts and Humanities in particular could position themselves as leaders in research addressing societal challenges.
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