News & Events
SHAPE-ID Participating in Positioning the Humanities in the 2020s Symposium
SHAPE-ID is looking forward to presenting a Poster and Lightning Talk at the Herrenhausen Symposium: Positioning the Humanities in the 2020s next week. The symposium is organised by the Volkswagen Foundation and the German U15 Universities and takes place…
Upcoming SHAPE-ID Seminar with Julie Thompson Klein at ETH Zurich: “Disentangling inter- and transdisciplinary research”
SHAPE-ID partners at the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab) in ETH Zurich will host a seminar on early results from the SHAPE-ID literature review on 17 September 2019, with a keynote presentation by Professor Julie Thompson Klein, Professor of Humanities Emerita…
SHAPE-ID planning a busy conference season as two major ITD conferences take place in Europe
SHAPE-ID partners will present at a number of upcoming conferences on inter- and transdisciplinarity taking place in September and October 2019. International Transdisciplinary Conference 2019 Td-net (Network for Transdisciplinary Research) organised its first International Transdisciplinary Conference 11 years ago. …
SHAPE-ID Project Meeting and Co-Design Workshop
SHAPE-ID project partners met at ISINNOVA's offices in Rome from 13-14 June for our second project meeting and Co-Design Workshop. We spent a morning reviewing progress so far, sharing insights on AHSS integration from the existing literature on interdisciplinary…
SHAPE-ID Poster Presentation at TCD Research Showcase
TCD partners were pleased to present SHAPE-ID at a research showcase organised by the Trinity Long Room Hub on 1 May, coinciding with the opening of the only Irish performance of 'Looking for Europe', a dramatic reading by Bernard-Henri…
Jack Spaapen Presentation on AHSS Integration at ETH Zürich
SHAPE-ID partner Dr Jack Spaapen will present at the TdLab in ETH Zürich on Tuesday 30 April 2019 on the necessity and challenges of integrating knowledge from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) to solve societal challenges. Jack's…
SHAPE-ID Partners Present at Final INTREPID COST Action Conference
SHAPE-ID colleagues played a major role in the final conference of the EU INTREPID COST Action (TD1408: Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles) which took place in gloriously sunny Lisbon at the end of March. The event was…
SSH Integration Report Launch
SHAPE-ID partner Jack Spaapen presented the keynote address at the launch of the 4th Monitoring Report on the Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020, which took place in Brussels on 28 February. The slide pictured shows…
SHAPE-ID Kick-off Meeting
SHAPE-ID launched on 1 February 2018 and all project partners gathered in the Leuven Institute for Irish Studies on 18-19 February for the kick-off meeting. Our project officer Mr Krzysztof Kania from DG Research and Innovation also attended.