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18Mar 21

Transdisciplinary Dialogues: Research Partnerships for Impact

Partnerships with actors in civil society, industry, the cultural sector and citizens, are increasingly important to develop societally relevant research. In this SHAPE-ID webinar on 18 March 2021, panellists will discuss their experience of engaging in such research and the barriers to increasing transdisciplinary engagement
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17Dec 20

SHAPE-ID webinar on funding interdisciplinary research

The fourth in our SHAPE-ID webinar series, Shaping Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research, looked at challenges and best practice in funding inter- and transdisciplinary research in a European and national context. The SHAPE-ID Policy Brief recommends that funders and policymakers…

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10Dec 20

Professionalising Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Expertise

In our final webinar of 2020, panellists Sabine Hoffmann, Petra Biberhofer and Nikki Brand discuss the emerging profession of integration expertise, why this is needed to develop inter- and transdisciplinary research projects and the challenges in developing this professional profile and recognising this often hidden work.
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