News & Events
SHAPE-ID present new Guide for Research Managers and Administrators at EARMA Conference
SHAPE-ID were pleased to present on building capacity for quality SSH integration at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) on 16 April. Dr Doireann Wallace and Maureen Burgess (Trinity College Dublin) presented…
SHAPE-ID webinar report: professionalising inter- and transdisciplinary research expertise
Transdisciplinary Dialogues: Research Partnerships for Impact
New SHAPE-ID Results Available: Workshop Reports, Policy Brief, Preconditions for AHSS Integration
Three new reports and a policy brief from the SHAPE-ID project are now available! Report of workshops and analysis of IDR/AHSS integration learning cases This document presents detailed reports from all six of the SHAPE-ID learning case workshops, which…
SHAPE-ID Participation in Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society Meeting
The Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society (STS) Meeting 2021 took place online on 15-17 February 2021. The event was intended to encourage and promote the social, historical and philosophical study of sciences in Switzerland.…
Infrastructures for Interdisciplinary Engagement: Lessons from the Digital Humanities
SHAPE-ID webinar on funding interdisciplinary research
The fourth in our SHAPE-ID webinar series, Shaping Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research, looked at challenges and best practice in funding inter- and transdisciplinary research in a European and national context. The SHAPE-ID Policy Brief recommends that funders and policymakers…