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Professor Catherine Lyall shares learnings on how to build “swift trust” in Team Science and Transdisciplinary Collaborations

SHAPE-ID team member Professor Catherine Lyall delivered the opening keynote at the 13th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS) on August 02. The keynote was part of an exciting programme in the virtual conference where SHAPE-ID colleagues Christian Pohl, Bianca Vienni-Baptista and Isabel Fletcher also contributed with sessions on cognition and collaboration, and collaborations across cultures and communities. Professor Lyall opened the talk sharing her personal story with interdisciplinary research (IDR), and how the SHAPE-ID toolkit helped to address the paradox of this type of research: IDR is promoted at policy level in response to societal challenges but…

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td-net Tour d’Horizon of Literature 2021 published

"What are the publications on inter- and transdisciplinarity published in 2021 that are especially relevant, innovative and/or provocative?" This is the question that underpins the Tour d'Horizon of Literature 2021, which has just been published by td-net. Providing a wide overview of the literature, the list is compiled by expert suggestions of the most important publications in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research, education and practice. The publications are grouped into 5 Categories: 1) Theories and epistemologies; 2) Approaches, methods and tools; 3) Research policy: funding, quality criteria, evaluation; 4) Case studies and reflections on research projects; and 5)…

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Read the latest SHAPE-ID toolkit review, published by the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies

A review of the SHAPE-ID toolkit by Professor Rick Szostak has been published in Integrative Pathways, the quarterly newsletter of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS). Included in the section Interdisciplinary Publications of Note, the column draws attention to works meriting attention of AIS members. Dated of March 2022 and reposted below, the review suggests starting points for exploring the SHAPE-ID toolkit and provides snapshots of documents that stood out to the author. A careful reader will note that the SHAPE initiative from the British Academy is also mentioned. It's a coincidence that both these great initiatives promoting the AHSS…

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